News From The Exile
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In case you've asked yourselves what the hell we're doing all the time, then you can admire a small part of the results right here: We've got a brandnew logo, which finally looks like In Exile and Metal (a huge thank you goes to the designer Johannes L'hoest!!!), and, as you've probably already noticed, a completely remade homepage!
Besides, we retreated into the exile to work on new songs, get the DVD from last year's Todtenwiesen Open Air ready, design T-Shirts, and so on. So when you're not hearing or seeing anything of us for some time, it's just because we've got so much to do putting all our new ideas into action!
And in order to make the wait a bit more comfortable, we've just been confirmed again for this December's Rocking Christmas!
Next Saturday we will be playing in "Die Halle" in Bergen-Enkheim. If you want to make you on your way to see us, Arven and Amyris, then be there around 8 pm. The entrance costs 4 Euros!
Now all that's left to do is to thank you for your great support in Dortelweil and in the Nachtleben Frankfurt! We had a lot of fun on this weekend, and we hope, so did you!
See you soon with great news!
Life is a good place to be. Only two days remaining, and we'll be sharing the stage in front of the Brunnencenter in Dortelweil (sic!) with the guys and girls from Arven, Suck Says and Die Omas Knochen, rolling our eyeballs and thrashing some songs in to the hopefully starlit nightsky. And what's even better: The whole thing is for free, and nevertheless worth its money! And who knows... maybe you'll even get to hear some new stuff!
PS: If you still want to buy some special-price-tickets (5,50 Euros instead of 6.50) for the gig in the Nachtleben in Frankfurt in the package together with Chased Crime, then you can also do this on Friday!
It's been a while since the last update once again... On the other hand: You are hereby provided with enough In Exile-gigs to get save through the summer. In case you wish to see us live, you can do this on June 22th in Dortelweil (an Open Air), on June 24th in the Nachtleben in Francfort (together with Chased Crime) or on the 1st of September on the Endless Summer Open Air 2007. And although we cannot promise yet, we still can say that if the metal gods are with us, we will be playing some brand new songs! Have a great summer until then!
Wednesday | 10-31-2007 | The great wide world...
...can read our site again from now on. As you've probably noticed, you can swicth between English and German in the upper left corner. Horny, isn't it? You're wholeheartedly invited, Swedes, Dutchs (is this the plural?!), Bulgarians and all the other non-German-speeking folks!
Monday | 09-24-2007 | Everything is new!

Besides, we retreated into the exile to work on new songs, get the DVD from last year's Todtenwiesen Open Air ready, design T-Shirts, and so on. So when you're not hearing or seeing anything of us for some time, it's just because we've got so much to do putting all our new ideas into action!
And in order to make the wait a bit more comfortable, we've just been confirmed again for this December's Rocking Christmas!
Sunday | 09-16-2007 | Gig in Die Halle

Now all that's left to do is to thank you for your great support in Dortelweil and in the Nachtleben Frankfurt! We had a lot of fun on this weekend, and we hope, so did you!
See you soon with great news!
Wednesday | 06-20-2007 | Dortelweil In Flames

PS: If you still want to buy some special-price-tickets (5,50 Euros instead of 6.50) for the gig in the Nachtleben in Frankfurt in the package together with Chased Crime, then you can also do this on Friday!
Tuesday | 05-29-2007 | Summer of Metal

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