News From The Exile
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Today, the May edition of the German HEAVY-Magazine is available. What is already pretty good news - after all, Judas Priest are banging over the Cover, including the Metal God and his motorbike. What even makes it better: Our name is on page 54, under it a well-known CD-Cover plus Review, and we think, we really can be satisfied with eight out of twelve possible points for the beginning. If you hurry up, you still might catch the mag until May 30th for the price of 3,50 €. If not, we'll surely make it available to you sooner or later!
Wednesday | 04-26-2006 | HEAVY Metallic Underground

Saturday | 04-22-2006 | First Review!
The time has come! Our CDs seem to have arrived finally somehow, and from this day on, the first review to HOURS PASSED IN EXILE can be read on (in German). Click, read and enjoy! And, if still necessary, take it as a decision helper whether to buy our CD or not! To the review
Thursday | 04-06-2006 | Rocking Photos
Esteemed Mr. Jens was there in December and made some pictures. Unfortunately, he didn't mail them til now, what doesn't make the photos any worse, just a little outdated. Good occasion for also attaching ours! Flash our be flashed! Fuchs
Wednesday | 01-25-2006 | Maximum Metal
Hey there! Nice meeting you here again; and when you still got some time to spend, you could as well risk a view into our link-section and visit our colleagues at Conjuring and Fallen Temple!
Monday | 12-12-2005 | Fucking Rocking Christmas
We just wanted to say thank you again to everyone who was there on friday, making a big metal party, singing along the lyrics, banging with us in front of and on the stage, and drinking empty the whole JuZ afterwards! We're still a bit out of words, so we're just gonna look forward to the next gig with you. Hails to you all!!!
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