News From The Exile
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Good news concerning the entrance fee this Saturday: There will be none! The action starts off at 21 pm, but you can already be there and have some drinks around 19 pm. To repeat the facts once again: It's gonna be a great night with a huge load of metal. You don't have to pay a dime. And you'll easily find McGuire's Irish Pub by clicking right here.
On March 18th we and Amyris will support the great and mighty Courageous as they present their latest album "Downfall Of Honesty" in the Sinkkasten in Francfort. And we're really looking forward to every single on of you guys that shows up to bang with us and support us that Sunday. Tickets cost 7.60 Euro in preselling. Once we get our hands on any tiny bit of information you will be able to read it here. If you want to preorder your ticket, simply click here.
Tuesday | 04-10-2007 | Details for Saturday

Thursday | 04-05-2007 | Battle On Irish Grounds II
Next Saturday, the 14th of April, we will be destroying McGuire's Irish Pub in Idstein together with Witticism and Fallen Temple. That's what says the holy Buch des Heavy Metal, and so be it! As soon as we get to know the details, you can read them right here.
Tuesday | 03-20-2007 | Sinkkasten Destruction
We can't describe how glad we are to have fans like you. And we mean it, you totally kick ass! Great thing you all were there on Sunday, in spite of the expensive tickets and short play time, and we just hope that you had a lot of fun! Pictures are available at
Once again: Fucking thank you for this evening!
Once again: Fucking thank you for this evening!
Tuesday | 02-13-2007 | Support Your Scene Metal

Monday | 02-12-2007 | January Review
Hello together! There are some news to report. We commenced the new year by playing some top-secret private concerts. We devastated the Irish Pub in Idstein and the annual Distanz-WG-Event in Karben. The rest of the time we spent on rehearsals and songwriting. We already got so fucking many ideas that they could easily fill the next two releases, and once we find the time to cast them all in songs you should better be prepared! Until then we promise that it will be worthwhile for you to drop by here from time to time!
News Archive
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To Be Announced...