News From The Exile
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Friday's coming nearer and nearer and you're hopefully listening to one of the two MP3s while we are getting played warm already. In the meantime, we got some cool pictures from the rehearsals in our gallery!
In case you have been wondering about what we were doing all the time, you can see the results for yourselves on Friday 5th December 2005. Then we'll be playing at the JUZ Bad Vilbel - and we'll have our first demo-album with us. The CD's called HOURS PASSED IN EXILE, is packed out with 10 songs and reaches 46 minutes of playing time. An 8-paged 4-colour-booklet with all lyrics is also included! We hope you didn't forget us after all this time and we're already looking forward to seeing you!
Wednesday | 12-07-2005 | Two days remaining...

Tuesday | 12-06-2005 | MP3s are online!
Making it fast: All MP3-Links are fully functional now and with GRINNING HUNTER and FLAME OF DECEIT, you can prelisten two songs of our CD. We want excessive reactions and reviews into our guestbook!
Monday | 12-05-2005 | The CDs have arrived!!
Today, an UPS-car parked in front of our door - and delivered 31 kilograms of pure metal in shape of our CD! Therefore we'll surely already have a big pack of it with us on Friday! That's what the prophecy says, and so be it!
Sunday | 12-04-2005 | Five days remaining...

Saturday | 12-03-2005 | We got a new homepage!!
Hope you enjoy your stay...
News Archive
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To Be Announced...